One of the most important feature of a code generator is its ability to preserve manual code modifications across re-generations. To solve this challenge, Celerio proposes various pragmatic solutions depending on the nature of the generated file.
Celerio keeps track of all the file it generates in the file .celerio/generated.xml
Do not commit this file to your Source Control System as it is different for each developer.
Each time Celerio regenerates a file it checks first if the file has been modified since the last generation.
If yes
, Celerio takes no risk, it generates the file in the collision folder (details are provided further).
If no
, Celerio replaces the file with the new generated content.
Note that if the generated file has the same content as the old one, Celerio does not regenerate it in order to preserve the file’s timestamp.
If you delete the
.celerio/generated.xml file
Celerio has no way to determine if a file has been manually modified or not and you may loose your modifications.
By default, Celerio generates the main Java file under the directory
or ${celerio-maven-plugin.outputDir}/src/main/java
depending on Celerio’s outputDir Please refer to Code Generation chapter
In this section you will learn how to modify a generated Java file
without loosing your modifications. The first approach consists
simply in moving the file to ${baseDir}/src/main/java
The second approach involves inheritance of a base class. Both approaches have pros and cons.
In any case, you should avoid to modify directly the generated Java file as you may loose your changes as soon as you regenerate the code.
Before modifying the generated Java file, move it to the ${baseDir}/src/main/java
folder. For example, if you want to edit the generated
file, move it from
if outputDir equals baseDir
src/main/generated-java/<package path>/
src/main/java/<package path>/
if outputDir different from baseDir
${celerio-maven-plugin.outputDir}/src/main/java/<package path>/
${baseDir}/src/main/java/<package path>/
When copying the file you must use the same relative path.
Since all the files under the ${baseDir}/src/main/java
are considered as user
reserved files, Celerio will not interfere with them. Next time you run
Celerio, Celerio will detect the presence of under
${baseDir}/src/main/java/<package path>
, leave it untouched, and will not
generate it here.
The main advantage
of this approach is that, you now can do whatever you
want with the file, in particular you can modify any method’s body etc.
The main drawback
may show up if your database schema changes. You may
have to reflect those changes manually in the file that you now own as a regular
file. Hopefully, to help you in this task, Celerio generates the file in
a dedicated collision folder under the target
folder. Please refer to
Collisions and merging section.
Celerio enables you to extend a generated Java class without modifying the generated Java code.
Let’s take an example with the Account
entity which maps the Account
table of our database schema example.
Let’s assume the generated Account
source file is located at
It looks like this:
package com.example.demo.domain;
@Table(name = "ACCOUNT")
public class Account implements Serializable {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
//... skipped for clarity
Let’s assume you want to use a single method call to get the full name of the user. One solution would be to add the following method to the Account class:
public String getFullName() {
return getFirstName()+ " " + getLastName();
Instead of adding this method in the generated file, where it would be mixed with generated code and potentially overwritten, Celerio supports another solution that enables you to extend the generated class of you choice and at the same time preserve the same class name.
This technique has three major benefits:
Best way to understand how it works is to try it:
Create a new
file and save it in the folder:
Note that the new must be in the same package as the old one.
At this stage, we have exactly 2 Account classes, which is forbidden by Java. Let’s continue, you will see how Celerio fixes this.
Open the newly created
file and copy paste the following
package com.example.demo.domain;
@Table(name = "ACCOUNT")
public class Account extends AccountBase implements Serializable {
public String getFullName() {
return getFirstName()+ " " + getLastName();
This Account
class now extends a class that does not exist yet!
Next time you run Celerio, it will detect your new
and will also detect that the Account
class extends a class that has
the same name plus the Base
This is enough for Celerio to assume that you want to impersonate the
class and that it should generate the code corresponding to the Account
table in a class called AccountBase
instead of a class called
The source code of AccountBase
is generated in the file
Since this class is an entity, the class level annotations that were
present on the original Account class must copied to your own Account
class. Hopefully if you read the source code of the ‘Base’ class, you
will find these annotations in the comments. Here is how a snapshot of the generated
AccountBase code.
/* Copy paste these annotations as is in your subclass
@Table(name = "ACCOUNT")
public abstract class AccountBase implements Serializable {
// code skipped for concision
As you can notice the @MappedSuperclass
is properly generated and the
other annotations are commented. Also the base class is made abstract to
prevent you from instanciating it .
Always check the source code of the ‘Base’ class, you may find some instructions related to some annotations that must be added to your class.
During the generation process, if Celerio encounters the old
file, it deletes it to prevent class duplication.
You can proceed by analogy to override other Java classes.
Ideally all generated files should be under a generated
folder. In
practice, this is not really convenient or possible as certain files are
expected to be in a well known location (ex: web.xml
If possible and pertinent, we keep the generated files under a generated folder. This is specially useful for entity bound files as there could be a lot of them.
This strategy is currently used for generated Spring Web Flow xhtml files, they are
generated under src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/flows-generated
Do not modify the generated flows, instead simply copy the files you need under
and then modify the copied version.
By configuration, Spring Web Flow will first look up a flow by id in the
user’s reserved folder.
The simplest way to tell Celerio to do not overwrite a generated file is to modify that file or to change its
modification date using the touch
command present on Unix system.
Next time Celerio runs, it will detect that your file was modified or touched and will not overwrite it.
Since you may be interested in the file Celerio would have generated if you had not modified or touched this file,
Celerio generates it under the target
folder. Please refer to Collisions and merging section.
If you change your mind and want Celerio to generate the file again, simply remove the file and regenerate your code.
Before generating a non-java file, Celerio applies the following rules:
File is already present on disk | File has been manually modified or touched | Generated file would be the same | Celerio action |
No | n/a | n/a | File is generated |
Yes | Yes | No | File is generated in the collision folder |
Yes | No | No | File is overwritten |
Yes | Yes | Yes | File is not generated |
Yes | No | Yes | File is not generated |
In the case when baseDir is different from Celerio’s outputDir, all is much simpler as
by definition all the files present under the ${baseDir}
folder cannot be overwritten by Celerio.
If you want to take ownership of a file, let’s say the web.xml file, you should simply move the file from
the ${celerio-maven-plugin.outputDir}
to the ${baseDir}
. In this process you should preserve the file’s relative path.
For example move:
Once you re-run Celerio, it will detect the file under ${baseDir}
and therefore will no longer generate it in the ${celerio-maven-plugin.outputDir}
Instead, it will generate it in the collision folder. Please refer to Collisions and merging section.
Before generating a non-java file, Celerio applies the following rules:
File is present under baseDir | Generated file would be the same | Celerio action |
No | n/a | File is generated under outputDir |
Yes | No | File is generated in the collision folder |
Yes | Yes | File is not generated |
When Celerio detects that a file which should be regenerated is manually modified, it does not overwrite your file.
Instead, Celerio generates the file in the collision folder: target/celerio-maven-plugin/collisions
All files generated in that folder have the same path as if they had been generated normally, except for
the target/celerio-maven-plugin/collisions
path prefix.
So, whenever appropriate, Celerio generates the original file, under the expected path, in the collision
folder target/celerio-maven-plugin/collisions
To merge the files in conflict, you can use a tool such as WinMerge.
Since, the files that led to some conflict are located in the collision folder under the same relative path, you can use the recursive directory comparison feature.
To do so, you just have to specify in WinMerge, your project root directory and the collision directory
Then, you can keep track of changes you made and eventually merge some of the newly generated code into your existing file.
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