Catalog/Schema info is now retrieved from jdbc table metadata instead of pom.xml (which may contain wildcards).
Catalog/Schema usage in @Table annotation is disable by default, to enable it, please edit your celerio-maven-plugin.xml
configuration file and set the jpaUseCatalog and/or jpaUseSchema attribute of the configuration element to TRUE.
Here is an example:
<celerioxmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""xsi:schemaLocation=" ./celerio.xsd"><configurationrootPackage="com.yourpackage"applicationName="yourappname"jpaUseCatalog="FALSE"jpaUseSchema="TRUE"><!-- ... skip everything for clarity ...--></configuration></celerio>
4.0.20 (2017-07-11)
Implement issue 4 - add schema and catalog attributes to @Table annotation when not empty.
4.0.19 (not released)
4.0.18 (2017-05-11)
Support java.time.Instant mapping in configuration
PK renaming to identifiable property is now configurable (true by default though)
Support Cascade type “DETACH” (since JPA 2.0) in celerio-maven-plugin.xml configuration file.
4.0.12 (2016-10-06)
Celerio can now determine if a file is under SVN or GIT. As a result Celerio can make sure it never deletes or overwrite such files.
Fix NullPointerException introduced in 4.0.11. Occurs in some case when many to many is present.
4.0.11 (2016-10-03)
Add 3 config param (searchFieldOrder, searchResultOrder, formFieldOrder) in columnConfig to control the order
in which searchField, searchResult and formField are displayed.
Add displayOrder param to oneToManyConfig and manyToManyConfig to control the order xToMany relations when displayed in tabs.
fix: $entity.isView() now returns true when it corresponds to an sql view, and false when it corresponds to a TABLE.
4.0.10 (2016-09-20)
Fix non desired file deletion!
4.0.9 (2016-09-13)
Support JPA @Convert
4.0.8 (2016-09-06)
Add meta attributes to other config point (convenient for SPIs dev)
4.0.7 (2016-08-26)
Fix secondaryTables code generation support helper when there are multiple secondary tables (a comma was missing). Thanks to Stéphane Pommier for reporting it.
Fix annotations not commented out as they should in case of take over when using $output.dynamicAnnotationTakeOver support. Thanks to Vivien Mast for reporting it.
Add “tableNamePatterns” list to DbMetadataMojo configuration in order to pre-filter out tables (they won’t appear in metadata.xml). It helps speed up DB reverse for huge schema.
4.0.6 (2016-06-24)
shortcut for dollar and pound: in templates you may use ${d} and ${p} instead of ${dollar} and ${pound} which are still supported.
provide configurable property support for template pack. This way template pack author can use for example:
#if($pack.hasProperty(‘pagination’)) …
introduce max attribute in ColumnConfig.
4.0.5 (2016-05-06)
Code formatter now supports Java 1.8 code
Introduce ‘skip’ option for entity in order to skip generation of entity (ex: skip special jhipster entity) without preventing such entity from being referenced by other entity (ex: many-to-one).
Support mapping to ZonedDateTime in configuration
Fix entity.relatedEntities
load namers from pack file and bind them to entities.
4.0.4 (2016-01-25)
Introduce a new pack that allows you to generate a full blown JavaEE 7 web application (without Spring).
It runs OK on WildFly 10. The code generation templates source code are here (part of Celerio distrib):
Better support in templates for dynamic annotation with parameters.
3.0.108 (2013-12-15)
Celerio engine
Business key by convention: no longer consider a nullable unique property as a good bk candidate. To be a good bk candidate, the property must be not nullable and unique.
3.0.107 (2013-11-18)
Celerio engine
improvement: sequence initialValue and allocationSize are now configurable.
fix: parameters were not always taken into account when generating @GenericGenerator (Thanks to Ruben Robles for reporting it)
fix duplicate class when both the entity and the metamodel are taken over
fix: generation of @MapIds and @OneToOne annotation when the dependent entity’s PK is the FK.
pack jsf2-spring-conversation (with Spring)
fix compilation issue in excel exporter when jdbc type is TIME
fix jodatime jsf converter
fix error handling during ajax request
pack backend-jpa (with Spring)
in DefaultLucenceQueryBuilder: lower case some term
cache some information collected (using reflection) on pk key to improve performances
fix Audit context that was not always cleared
add criteriaQuery to getPredicate method signature in GenericRepository
add explicit dependency on commons-collections
classes with only static methods are now final with private constructor.
make TypeAwarePrinter a javax.inject.Singleton
introduce Path class in repository/support subpackage and change the code accordingly to leverage it.
NEW pack selenium-primefaces:
From now on, SpringFuse generates Type Safe Selenium tests.
this feature is only available with the option using Spring.
springfuse generates real tests when the sample schema that we provide is used.
3.0.106 (2013-10-15)
This new version comes with 2 new generation options (we call them packs) to generate pure JavaEE web applications.
Despite our efforts, there are still few limitations/bugs, but overall we are quite happy to share it here. You won’t find better elsewhere ;-)
pack javaee7-glassfish - new (w/o Spring)
Note: This pack is pretty new. We welcome all feedbacks.
pom.xml is optimized for GlassFish 4.
Technical stack:
JavaEE 7 (no spring at all)
EJB 3.1
JSF 2.2 + EL 3.0
JavaEE Conversation
JPA 2.1
Bean Validation
Apache Shiro
embedded glassfish 4 from maven
pack javaee6-jboss - new (w/o Spring)
Note: This pack is pretty new. We welcome all feedbacks.
pom.xml is optimized for JBoss EAP 6.1
Technical stack:
JavaEE 6 (no spring at all, uses jboss bom)
EJB 3.1
JSF 2.1
JavaEE Conversation
JPA 2.0
Bean Validation
Apache Shiro
pack jsf2-spring-conversation (with Spring)
primefaces4 support
provide outputDecimal outputInteger and outputCurrency
upgrade omnifaces from 1.5 to 1.6
upgrade javamelody from 1.45.0 to 1.47.0
pack backend-jpa (with Spring)
Refactor custom enum (rename code to value)
Some refactoring in repository/support (feedbacks from users)
reduce Spring footprint (to ease merge with javaee)
better H2 SQL generation to avoid errors in logs
upgrade spring from 3.2.3.RELEASE to 3.2.4.RELEASE
upgrade hibernate from 4.2.3.Final to 4.2.6.Final
upgrade hibernate-search from 4.2.0.Final to 4.3.0.Final
upgrade hibernate-validator from 4.2.0.Final to 4.3.1.Final
upgrade joda-time from 2.2 to 2.3
upgrade guava from 14.0.1 to 15.0
upgrade selenium from 2.33.0 to 2.35.0
Celerio engine
SPI for Relation
Most attributes internal helpers have been moved to Attribute SPI.
when the default value of celerio-maven-plugin.outputDir is overridden and entities are taken-over using Celerio’s ‘Base’ inheritance, the metamodel is now generated properly (was a regression).
pack backend-jpa
Search by example
merge dao package with repository package and preserve only the repository layer.
support deep path in PropertySelector (Thanks to Sébastien Péralta). Note that it makes EntitySelector useless.
support correctly order by in both find and findCount (Thanks to Nicolas Rougé)
ByExampleUtil and ByPatternUtil are now fully compatible with Celerio’s ‘Base’ inheritance.
rename byExtraPredicate to byMandatoryPredicate to better match the and/or capability
rename ‘initDefaultValues’ to ‘withDefaults’ to sync with getNewWithDefaults repository method
extract some JpaUniqueUtil methods to JpaUtil
remove ‘currentUserId’ and ‘now’ magic named query parameters
Fix in generated entity initDefaultValues() method
in certain cases default value for floats or doubles was causing a compilation error
“1” was not properly translated to “true” for boolean default value
default value of column mapped as a custom enum was causing a compilation error
In some cases, an entity involved in inheritance was generated twice
improvement: In case of inheritance, we do not need to generate the hashCode method in child entities.
fix a compilation error when one of the composite primary key property is mapped to a byte[]
do not render password fields in domain toString() methods
remove useless parameters and sort method parameters in package
indexed properties are now discovered dynamically in GenericDAO
repository now has isIndexed method
add preconditions in SearchParameters (Thanks to Javier Naval Araya)
add varargs in SearchParameters
change default behavior of maxSize, it’s now unlimited unless you are in the lazyDataModel
change property visibility in AuditLogService to ease the customization
add fromLabel in enums
fix jpaUniqueUtil that did not handled @JoinColumn (Thanks to André Berenguel)
SearchParameter is now
caseSensitive by default
noLimit by default
add loggers in logback.xml
remove legacy support for hibernate filters
upgrade tomcat-jdbc from 7.0.40 to 7.0.41
pack jsf2-spring-conversation
remove the ‘not sub’ predicate present in rendered attribute of iconAdd, iconDelete, iconEdit, iconMultiSelect, iconRemove, iconSearch tags.
move some exception handling code present in MessageUtil to ExceptionHandler. As a result, we no longer handle all exceptions,
some exceptions are now be properly handled by the wrapped exception handler. You may now experience expired view exception. (Thanks to Sébastien Péralta)
fix some compilation errors visible in certain inheritance cases in XxxSearchForm.
saved search can now be public or private
introduce TypeAwarePermission
fix file download in case no filename is present
autocomplete values are now sorted, and input value is first
autocomplete and multiAutocomplete will use only visible indexed field either indexed or not
printers now return the fields they do use, they are used as default values for autocompletes
export only search results
fix potential leak in ExcelExportService
some refactoring of saved search service, enable public/private searches
fix cast issue in XxxFileUpload (happened only when the file size was mapped to a Long)
fix jpaUniqueValidator usage in case of inheritance (now use the current entity instead of the property’s entity in xxxEdit.xhtml view)
set immediate=true on ConversationBreadCrumb menuItem (this avoids a primefaces exception on the server side).
add css to columns for simplify web testability
add navigators to datePickers
fix GenericJsfConverter when setting an invalid value in the select box and navigating away
upgrade javamelody from 1.44.0 to 1.45.0
upgrade omnifaces from 1.4.1 to 1.5
upgrade primefaces bootstrap theme from 1.0.9 to 1.0.10
sample schema
Fix sql initialization, the accountId was incorrect (one ‘0’ was missing…). It was causing some error with the Saved Search form feature.
configure all french labels in the sample app configuration
You can now define labels using the nested labels element under associations, entityConfig, columnConfig and enumValue.
Note, currently we only support base and ‘fr’ labels in configuration. Here are 2 examples:
default associationAction was not taken into account.
enum’s subpackage was not processed properly. As a result some enum related code was generated under the wrong package.
It is no longer required to set targetEntityName for relations whose target entity is part of a JOINED or PER_TABLE inheritance
hierarchy as we can guess the targetEntityName.
move columnConfig’s targetEntityName to ManyToOneConfig and OneToOneConfig
add many new selenium Elments
add moveOver in webClient
introduce EntityAction
add highlight on elements before clicking when followingVisually
so much more …
celerio engine
check consistency between foreign key type and referenced primary key type. In case of inconsistency, a warn message is logged
if the FK is not part of a composite primary key. Otherwise an error is logged and generation is
aborted, as it leads anyway to a compilation error.
fix double generation when the integration test phase was reached
Many thanks to Brice Leporini, Jean-Louis Boudart, Pierre-Henri Dezanneau and Vincent Beretti for their ideas, feedbacks and patches.
Front End (without spring web flow)
do not use conversation’s entity manager for search pages
skip entityManager binding for ajax request coming from x-to-one auto-complete source
rename PersistenceContextConversationListener to EntityManagerConversationListener and other renamings
leverage org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy so we can inject beans in our filter
Introduce ConversationHolder to store the current Conversation in a static ThreadLocal field.
Leverage @PostConstruct in XxxEditForm and no longer create XxxEditForm manually. It simplifies ConversationScope class.
fix onSelected callback of bidirectional many-to-many
popCurrentContextOnNextPause is now an int to count the number of contextes to pop. New name is popContextOnNextPauseCounter. You can pop more than 1 context during a request process.
ConversationContext.getVar is now public
make GenericLazyDataModel.edit(E selectedRow) and select(E selectedRow) protected
downgrade primefaces from 3.5 to 3.4.2
remove ‘send’ action and button as it confuses people
Front End (with spring web flow)
no changes
JPA2 Backend
upgrade from hibernate 4.1.4.Final to 4.1.9.Final
use hibernate.connection.release_mode=after_transaction to prevent connection leak
default jdbc pool size set to 1 to detect upfront any jdbc leak
upgrade mojarra from 2.1.10 to 2.1.17 (this was helpful
upgrade omnifaces from 1.2 to 1.3
refactor the web.conversation package for the better
Front End (with spring web flow)
upgrade mojarra from 2.1.10 to 2.1.17 (this was helpful
JPA2 Backend
no changes
3.0.89 (2012-12-20)
introduce a new option without spring web flow. We encourage you to switch to it and report us feedbacks.
Back end
Possibility to configure left Join in search by example
composite pk var name changed to ‘id’.
provide oracle script for sample db and create-db-user profile
rename persistence.xml to cope with jboss
remove contains method in entity
Front end
all remove/delete dialogs are now contextual
rename SearchFormBase to GenericSearchForm
cache resources ( com.sun.faces.defaultResourceMaxAge context-param in web.xml)
remove before/after placeholder in tags (was a bad idea)
fix component not found error due to invalid for attribute in label component
better ask for delete dialog placement (no longer present in layout)
upgrade to theme 1.0.9
3.0.88 (2012-11-14)
fix jpauniquevalidator when a proxy is used
when composite unique keys names are available, use them
validate simple and composite unique constraints in the controller
add search mass indexer
no longer need to override getByCompositePkPredicate when you have a composite pk
3.0.87 (2012-10-22)
remove erroneous legend for edit form
fix spring application context hierarchy,
fix converters when pk is a date
restore row selection (onclick)
3.0.86 (2012-10-17)
fix cache names!
fix invalid orm xsd url
facelet tag refactoring
when closing edit form, now go back to the select view instead of homepage.
rename PersistableHashBuilder to IdentifiableHashBuilder
when using app:selectManyBoolean and app:selectManyEnum display the null values only if the attribute is not required
use printers (replace formatters)
move JpaUniqueSupport to backend and rename it to JpaUniqueUtil
3.0.85 (2012-10-09)
no longer use c:if and c:forEach in messages component. Instead use rendered and ui:repeat
use div instead of span to please html checker
keep track of flow even in sub flows
remove useless css settings
change font size from 11 to 12
use primefaces tag for selectOneRadio
for better code factorization : introduce toSearchParameters in XxxForm
save search feature (relies on conventions)
maxResults simplification: -1 means no limit
use facelet tag instead of composite component for outputLabel as it insert an intermediate id in certain cases.
cleanup flowsMenuHandler, reuse Entityconverters in a TypeAwarePrinter
introduce getPluralableProperty in PropertyUtils. Use it to localize searchResultsRegion. Use it to localize form error intro
enable by default pre-post-annotations security
work on audit log using hibernate listener
add audit panel to see the last modification date/author
do not try to be smart with @Column(name), always set the name as found
in the metadata, as oracle is case sensitive when using collision column names
In default database example, add audit info in account entity.
sort search result by many-to-one property
search on many-to-one field
3.0.84 (2012-09-26)
Upgrade jibx from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3. Only Eclipse elements (related to code formatting) are namespaceless.
No longer generate Primefaces code related to file upload/download in entity.
Instead we rely on the controller + a dedicated class XxxUploadHandler
fix flow: from the same flow, doing 0/ search 1/select 2/close 3/new was
loading the item selected during step 1 instead of proposing a fresh empty bean.
fix charset encoding for non-ajax request!
provide our own form reset as default one is not complete.
remove find(String) methods from repository.
add complete(String) method in controller
remove flowExecutionContext from flows, use instead RequestContextHolder from java
order by business key when relevant in XxxLazyDataModel and XxxController
upgrade to PrimeFaces 3.4.1
automatically create the file (in regular user folder src/main/java) in case the corresponding entity is taken over.
remove a System.out.println in celerio-maven-plugin
rename to to make sure it is executed after
3.0.83 (2012-09-20)
JPA2 backend
add byNamedQuery in namedQueryUtil
prevent var clash when self referencing entity
support for localization in db schema. Ex: columns such as text_fr, text_en are detected by celerio
which generate a getText() method which invoke the getter corresponding to the current locale.
fix backend-jpa pom
HTML content detection based on column name: contains ‘_html’ instead of endsWith ‘html’. It is also configurable (“html” attribute in columnConfig)
SafeHtml annotation is now disabled by default. It is configurable (safeHtml element, child of columnConfig)
entity: in copyTo remove the copy of the relations’ ids
Hibernate Search support
generate transverse hibernate search code only if at least one entity is indexed
generate XxxPkBridge only if needed
remove tika dependencies and code (too specific)
FieldBridge is configurable (use the ‘brigdeImpl’ attribute of the ‘indexField’ element)
introduce findTerm in Respository (use full text search). It is not wired in the view, it is up to the developer
to change it from find to findTerm… easy
JSF2 WebFlow Primefaces
add a reset button: unfortunately does not work with all components
remove c:if from select page (use rendered instead)
dynamic layout in selectManyEnum depending on items list size
collision is now under target/celerio-maven-plugin/collisions, in any circumstance
we now generate bootstrap as all regular file (so pom get into collision)
3.0.82 (2012-09-17)
JPA2 backend
change the maven resource substitution pattern from ${value} to @value@ so it does not interfer with the spring one
enforce java 1.6.0-26 and above, as jpa2 utils we use will not compile
fix domain localization if we do not generate in the same folder
JSF2 WebFlow Primefaces
fix quit navigation (for case where new is pressed from an edit page and then quit is pressed)
set severity to error for unique validator message
3.0.81 (2012-09-14)
JPA2 backend
improve JPA search by example: take many-to-many association into account
fix NPE on null booleans (regression)
JSF2 WebFlow Primefaces
add jpa unique validator for jsf forms
introduce XxxController to do business validation and other conditional checks that are easier to implement in Java than in webflow’s xml syntax
contextual messages for status_saved_ok and status_deleted_ok
better text for error message (take plural into account): there is one error / there are x errors
use multiple autoComplete in search form for many-to-many associations.
3.0.80 (2012-09-11)
JPA2 backend
Improve JPA search by example: take x-to-one association into account
you can now add custom annotations on entities using celerio configuration
Hibernate Search support
Hibernate Search is now configurable per entity and per column. In your entity config,
use the ‘indexed’ property to index the entity and use the ‘field’ element to annotate a field.
Here is an example:
changes in webflow navigation: after’close’ or ‘save’ you go back to search page
make faces message survive multiple redirections
split EntityConfigConverter (customer demand, to ease overriding)
outputBoolean component: no longer display cross icon when value is null
rename xxxAutocomplete component to xxxAutoComplete, by analogy with primefaces.
use multiple autoComplete in search form for x-to-one associations.
Boolean are multi selectable in form
Enums are multi selectable in form
add icon for environment name depending on ‘env_name’ var
3.0.79 (2012-09-02)
JPA2 backend
Upgrade jadira usertype from 3.0.RC1 to 3.0.RC3
Fix for repository subpackage
Upgrade to spring security 3.1.2
JSF2 WebFlow Primefaces
Upgrade to primefaces 3.4-SNAPSHOT
Use primefaces twitter bootstrap theme 1.0.8
Upgrade to mojara 2.1.10 (as on prime labs demo site)
Better partial rendering with dataTable when a row is deleted (see prime enhancement
3.0.78 (2012-08-31)
We have decided to focus our effort on JPA2 backend and JSF2/PrimeFaces front.
So currently other options (spring data, spring mvc/jquery) are no longer available, if you need these, please contact us.
JPA2 backend
Upgrade to Hibernate 4.1.4.Final
Upgrade to Spring Framework 3.1.2.RELEASE
Upgrade to Spring Security 3.1.1.RELEASE
Search by example using JPA2
Search by range for all types (BigInteger, Date, Integer, etc.)
No more Interface for DAOs
Rename all XxxService classes to XxxRepository
Generate Entity metamodel (@StaticMetamodel)
Simplify the use of spring security context
First basic support of Hibernate Search
JSF2 WebFlow Primefaces
Upgrade to primefaces 3.3.1
Upgrade to Spring Web Flow 2.3.1.RELEASE
Use flow inheritance to reduce the amount of webflow code
Support search by range for all types (BigInteger, Date, Integer, etc.)
Introduce some facelets components
3.0.74 (2012-04-01)
backend common to all projects
upgrade to springframework 3.0.7.RELEASE
do not specify nullable = false and unique = true in the column specifying a simple PK to please topLink ddl generation
dos2unix on all resources
add missing @Override
better javadocs
Spring data
refactoring of the support classes
JSF front
upgrade to spring webflow 2.3.1
upgrade to mojarra 2.1.7
upgrade to Primefaces 3.2 and theme 1.0.4
changes in exception handling (refer to
better focus managment on home (useful for accessibility)
fix fileUpload and Ajax (see )
remove spel from converters
add caching in ResourcesUtil
rename GenericConverter to GenericJsfConverter
use prod config mode instead of slowly dev mode
disable webflow snapshoting by default
fix typo in {TotalPages} in paginator template
selenium support
Other versions updates
upgrade junit from 4.8.1 to 4.10
upgrade jackson from 1.5.2 to 1.9.4
upgrade xstream from 1.2.2 to 1.4.2
upgrade hibernate-jpa-2.0-api from 1.0.0.Final to 1.0.1.Final
upgrade commons-lang version from 2.5 to 2.6
upgrade h2 version from 1.3.157 to 1.3.164
upgrade commons-fileupload from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2
upgrade commons-io from 1.4 to 2.1
upgrade commons-codec from 1.4 to 1.6
upgrade commons-digester from 2.0. to 2.1
upgrade aspectj version from 1.6.8 to to 1.6.12
upgrade mockito version from 1.8.5 to 1.9.0
Maven related update (generated pom)
upgrade maven-jxr-plugin from 2.1 to 2.3
upgrade maven-pmd-plugin from 2.4 to 2.7
upgrade cobertura plugin to 2.5.1
upgrade findbugs-maven-plugin from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0
upgrade build-helper-maven-plugin from 1.5 to 1.7
upgrade maven-antrun-plugin from 1.6 to 1.7
upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin from 1.0 to 1.0.1
upgrade maven-surefire-plugin from 2.4.3 to 2.12
upgrade maven-javadoc-plugin from 2.6.1 to 2.8.1
upgrade maven-failsafe-plugin from 2.7.2 to 2.12
upgrade maven-compiler-plugin from 2.0.2 to 2.3.2
upgrade maven-clean-plugin from 2.3 to 2.4.1
upgrade maven-install-plugin from 2.3 to 2.3.1
upgrade maven-resource-plugin from 2.4.1 to 2.5
upgrade sql-maven-plugin from 1.4 to 1.5
upgrade maven-war-plugin from 2.1-beta-1 to 2.2
upgrade maven eclipse plugin from 2.6 to 2.9
3.0.73 (2012-02-14)
fix typo in panelMenu.xml (jsf2 front, without spring data)
Fix bootstrapring for certain pack.
3.0.72 (2012-02-14)
jsf2-primefaces webapp (with spring data backend)
upgrade to Spring Data 1.0.3
upgrade to PrimeFaces 3.1
upgrade to PrimeFaces Theme 1.0.3
spring mvc webapp (with spring data backend)
upgrade to Spring Data 1.0.3
backend (with spring data)
upgrade to Spring Data 1.0.3
fix compilation issue if no ‘account’ table is found
3.0.71 (2012-02-09)
Generation workflow update
It is now required to provide a valid email address.
During the first project generation you will be asked to validate your email address.
Spring Data support
The generated code is now using Spring Data 1.0.2 for backend, spring mvc and primefaces projects.
For the moment, we still provide some options to generate backend, spring mvc and primefaces projects as before.
upgrade to hibernate 3.6.9.Final
upgrade to joda time 2.0
upgrade to ehcache 2.4.3
jsf2-primefaces front:
Upgrade to mojara 2.1.6
Upgrade to primefaces 3.0.1
spring mvc
upgrade to urlrewrite 3.2
3.0.70 (2012-01-19)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Remove all render fragments from flows as the update attribute on the command button is enough.
Set “javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator.MESSAGE_detail={0}” in ValidationMessage properties files
Remove workaround when “yes” is clicked inside askForSaveDialog (proper fix found)
Remove deprecated “lazy” attribute in dataTable (see primefaces #2993)
Downgrade maven plugin from 2.7 to 2.6
3.0.69 (2012-01-02)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Better JSF navigation with possibility to conditionally skip bean validation. Please read our blog entry related to this major change.
Upgrade to PrimeFaces 3.0
Better readonly view support (use outputText instead of disabled=”true”)
Validate not null many to one association (unless inverse is present)
Use @Size annotation instead of @Length annotation when javax.validation is present
maven (pom.xml)
Use Hibernate validator annotation processor
3.0.68 (2011-12-08)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Introduce to handle exception during webflow event (ajax request) or transition (non ajax request). When the exception occurs during an event, an error message is displayed. When an exception occurs during a transition, we force a transition to the ‘error’ state which in turn ends the flow and display an error page
Better general exception handling using
ExceptionFilter also handles gracefully session expiration during ajax request and send a JSF2 partial redirect to the login page.
3.0.67 (2011-12-01)
jsf2-primefaces front:
clean up localization files and
set main title depending on context (ie entity name)
add contextual title to all command button for accessibility concern
better accessibility and look for messages composite component (voice reading race condition fixed)
better accessibility for dialogs ‘ask for save’ and ‘ask for delete’.
give the focus back to delete menu button when user click no inside ask for delete dialog
better accessibility for datePicker composite component
login page is now localized
fix ‘redmond’ background (make it white and not kind of pseudo white)
messages composite component: fix error count (there could be more than 1 error per field…)
messages composite component: use ordered list for errors
messages composite component: fix tricky date bug (visible only for days > 28) in DatePickerHelper
remove pure one-to-one ‘contact info’ from example
jsf2 without webflow (private front)
support save (using merge)
add custom spring scope (ViewScope)
rename all ‘logger’ to ‘log’, in case we want to leverage lombok
add ‘merge’ to generic DAO
extract DAOHibernate.getCriteria redundant code to HibernateUtil
add links to javadoc
fix compilation bug when a column is unique and mapped to an Enum
normalize Logger initialization
renamed PaddingConverter.NOTASTRING to PaddingConverter.NOT_A_STRING
celerio engine
better convention for searchResult to avoid listing redundant parent in one to many list
3.0.66 (2011-11-25)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Capture ‘Enter’ keypress and use it to trigger click() on the expected submit button
On home page, we now omit links to flows that can only be used as subflows.
3.0.65 (2011-11-17)
jsf2-primefaces front:
display a contextual info message each time the model is changed but no saved in database
move language switch to the top right corner
fix many to one autocomplete (itemValue was removed in 3.0.64, it is now back)
rename GenericEntityService ‘autoComplete’ method to ‘find’ for consistency
generate labels for onetomany relation
3.0.64 (2011-11-14)
jsf2-primefaces front:
fix datePicker composite component
remove useless code related to webflow menus.
light refactor in entity’s root flow
3.0.63 (2011-11-10)
jsf2-primefaces front:
upgrade to primefaces 3.0.M4 and themes 1.0.2
introduce and use an accessible datePicker composite component. It supports bean validation, joda time, etc.
introduce and use an accessible messages component
fix mains.js to make the layout work when chromeshades is used
reduce dependency on SWF (messageUtil no longer depends on messageContext)
get rid of all XxxItems class (the ‘getLabel’ is replaced by ‘print’ in GenericConverter)
get rid of XxxConverter class (actually, they are now regrouped in EntityConverterConfig)
use SPEL to print entity as string (see GenericConverter)
deleteButton now appear once a new entity is saved (and may be deleted)
finally found why enable/disable was not working in flow menu
==> fix it and refactor it for better clarity => simpler code/logic
introduce TabBean to track tab activeIndex
fix tricky issue with bean validation localization message (i.e. need empty english file)
fix compilation bug when pk is an enum (thanks to Stéphane Cros for reporting it)
3.0.62 (2011-10-27)
jsf2-primefaces front:
upgrade to bean validation 4.2.0.Final (was 4.1.0.Final)
use bean validation instead of webflow validation. No longer generate XxxValidator…
upgrade to mojarra 2.1.3
fix char encoding for partial ajax response + IE8
fix aria-live region (we must use ‘additions’ instead of ‘assertive’… took me weeks to realize that!)
fix validation for sub edition
use ‘separator’ instead of ‘divider’ in toolbar
use callback param to update searchResultsRegion aria live region
use tabview and tab for x-to-many relations
move dialog down so the command button are not used by default by IE
webflow simplification: no longer need action-state, instead use event handler and js call using primefaces js server api
remove bottom buttons in sub edit page (less links for accessibility)
clean up navigation bar for sub edit and sub select
remove startup listener
in edit flow: fix removeXxx and ajax update (using tabs)
better usage of ajaxStatus (no mix between facet and attribute)
paginator look and feel harmonization
in pom.xml remove plugins we don’t really care of
3.0.61 (2011-10-14)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Fix datatable selection for Firefox and Safari (was OK with Chrome)
Replace Select subflow in popup (not accessible enough) by regular Select subflow.
Introduce auto-complete for Select as an alternative to regular Select subflow
Refactor the view to use only 1 form and avoid the bug
Since we now use 1 form, remove some useless JavaScript code
Active flow menu is now fully operational
Refactor askForSaveDialog appearance logic: remove decision-state from XxxEditFlow.xml and use instead
Primefaces RequestContext.getCurrentInstance().execute(“some javascript”) to decide if it should
be displayed or not. See generated
Fix menuitem label in main.css (was not displayed!)
Remove @Transactional annotation from DAO methods (redundant with the one on Service methods)
3.0.60 (2011-10-07)
jsf2-primefaces front:
remove bunch of facelet to keep things simpler
some wai-aria integration (search, form error message, etc.)
use PrimeFaces 3.0.M4-SNAPSHOT
server side pagination using LazyDataModel
tweak p:layout to make it work with ChromeShades plugin
custom composite component to display boolean value
re-introduce active flow menu to switch from flow to flow (in progress)
use ajax for save call
use p:spinner for integer and long (fixed recently by primefaces)
no longer need hack under web/el Use instead MessageBundle which is declared in faces-config
jsf2-primefaces and spring-mvc-3 front:
upgrade from jetty 6 to jetty 7
3.0.57 (2011-09-19)
jsf2-primefaces front:
pay special attention to keyboard navigation and focus for accessibility concern
fix some page and layout to please achecker accessibility tool.
use p:layout
make dialogs modal
do partial rendering when removing item from x-to-many dataTable
rename various ids for better clarity
3.0.56 (2011-09-08)
jsf2-primefaces front:
Upgrade to PrimeFaces 3.0.RC1-SNAPSHOT
Remove selectionMode=”single” from p:dataTable as webflow datamodel does not support it.
Change the way we display askForUpdateDialog
Change the way we display the search popup faced this issue:
Use p:selectOneMenu in search form
Use JSF2 resources facility instead of spring one.
Clean up our CSS (keep it minimal)
Use new primefaces maven repo & tag lib namespace uri
Use ‘redmond’ theme (see pom.xml and web.xml)
accessibility: add ‘for’ attribute to label in the inputText component
accessibility: use hidden commandButton instead of hidden commandLink in panelMenu component
3.0.55 (2011-07-27)
Database reverse:
Make database reverse work for DB2 on Z/OS system
Catalog and schema name were ignored (was working most of the time as we provide sensitive default for Oracle and DB2
backend pack
Fix default value for attribute mapped to enum.
For example assuming the civility colunm is mapped to CivilityEnum and its default valude in the database in “MR”,
instead of generating setCivility(“MR”), we now generate setCivility(CivilityEnum.MR). Thanks to Aram Murguía.
Fix SearchTemplate constructor by copy. List were passed by reference instead of being cloned.
Fix some var name clashes occurring when a non foreign key attribute var name matches the var name used by convention for an x-to-one relation.
jsf2 primefaces pack
Fix url-pattern in web.xml (‘’ ==> ‘/’), thanks to Aram Murguía
3.0.52 (2011-07-11)
Remote logs:
Generation logs are now sent by email along with extracted metadata.
Fix archetype to take into account email entered in springfuse generation form.
3.0.51 (2011-07-07)
Celerio engine:
Leverage IS_AUTOINCREMENT column metadata when the jdbc driver supports it.
It is used to determine if we should annotate simple pk field witn @GeneratedValue or not.
If the driver does not support this metadata, we do as before: numeric pk are annotated
by default with @GeneratedValue.
Introduce back support for composite foreign key with the following limitations:
Only composite @ManyToOne and its inverse @OneToMany are supported
Such composite relations are not yet supported/tested in front-end views
DB2 support:
Fix db reverse when foreign key are duplicated (observed with SAMPLE schema shipped with DB2 distribution)
When connecting to the database, force schema name to current username
Fix composite primary key error, when a date is present in the composite PK.
Was due to missing import of org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat
Upgrade all H2 versions used in the examples or template pack bootstraps to 1.3.157
spring mvc 3 front:
Move up the character encoding filter and apply it to /** (thanks to unibail for tip)
3.0.50 (2011-06-16)
##Celerio engine:
compilation fix for default value when the numeric type maps to BigInteger or BigDecimal
// we had for example (compilation error)setPrice(0.0000);// we now generate:setPrice(newBigDecimal("0.0000"));
jpa: generate @DateTimeFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN) instead of @DateTimeFormat(iso = DATE) to ease global modification of the formatted date. The DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN is statically imported from ResourcesUtil.
spring mvc 3 front:
fix auto complete for many to one: in certain case, the binding was not working on the server side
fix the contact us link in the generated app
jsf2-primefaces front:
fix the contact us link in the generated app
3.0.49 (2011-05-24)
no longer skip table without pk. Instead, look for:
first non null unique column
or first unique column
or fall back to first column
better logging message for property name clash and duplicate columns in metadata (Thanks to Lisa from Qualcomm)
add getPackageNodeUp facility.
Specify mime types in web.xml (thanks to Björn Johansson)
dump reversed metadata to target/reversed-metadata.xml
3.0.48 (2011-05-18)
Fix file move (see 3.0.47) when a file with the same name is already present in the collision folder. Classes not located in the project root package would not have been picked up
3.0.47 (2011-05-11)
The springfuse remote generation plugin now streams the generation logs from our server.
better logging message for property name clash and duplicate columns in metadata (Thanks to Lisa from Qualcomm)
Fix @Column mapping for reserved column name whose var name is the same as the column name
Change the save() implementation in HibernateGenericDao to support persist OR update of entities having either auto generated id, manually assigned or composite pk.
Fix equality issue when business key is a java.util.Date: use second precision instead of millisec to cope with Oracle which only store second precision.
Fix delete propagation for one to one (inverse side) using orphanRemoval attribute, as for one to many.
Fixed an infinite loop in XxxGenerator occurring when a bidirectional one to one relation was present.
Search by pattern now searches in assigned primary keys (both simple primary key and composite primary keys)
Spring MVC 3 front option
Totally revisited the look’n’feel and the navigation… for the better :-). Many thanks to Frédéric Pernot from Unibail-Rodamco for his precious feedbacks
Use embedded flow to renderer search flows in primefaces popup dialog
File download/upload is now supported
3.0.43 (2011-02-08)
Introducing JSF2/Primefaces/Webflow pack
New Front end option: JSF 2 + PrimeFaces 2.2 + Spring WebFlow 2.2.1.
Many thanks to Bernard Pons (Architect at Banque de France), for sharing his expertise and vision on this front-end stack.
Without him, you would not benefit from it.
3.0.41 (2011-01-06)
You can new generate a backend only project…
New: Possibility to configure 1 sequence per table. Please use sequenceName attribute in entityConfig.
It will generate the corresponding @SequenceGenerator and @GeneratedValue annotations.
New: generate validation annotations on simple primary key that are assigned manually.
New: In XxxDaoImpl, add getByExampleExtraCriterions when the corresponding entity has simple PK and is manually assigned.
This allows to perform search on pk field as any other field.
New: Entities are sorted in alphabetical order in generated menus.
Upgrade to Spring 3.0.5.RELEASE, Spring Security 3.0.5.RELEASE
Fix jdbc driver (when oracle is selected) in generated pom
Fix PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation in case of JOINED inheritance (tables having different pk names)
Fix bidirectional one-to-one generated test (XxxDaoWithRealSessionTest)
Fix missing import when composite primary keys uses an Enum.
EnumType is no more mandatory on enumConfig
Fix enableOneToVirtualOne=”true” option on columnConfig representing a foreign key
Fix getByExampleExtraCriterions on entities with composite pk
Fix enum2xsd plugin when enum has a varargs argument
Fix oracle retrieve remarks
Fix javadoc comments (use ‘/*’ instead of ‘/’ for entity and attributes)
3.0.39 (2010-11-12)
springfuse plugin: Support remote generation through http proxy, including proxy using ntlm (please let us know if it works for you)
DateRange now also support jodatime LocalDate and LocalDateTime
Activate ManyToManyConfig element to fine tune @ManyToMany relation (var, element var, fetch, cascade)
Enhancement in search by example:
Each DAO constructs additional criteria to leverage the associated entities of the passed entity example.
It allows you to perform more complex queries without having to code them. Also it serves as
example if you need to improve the search by example generated code (please check the code
of the DAOs, they are no longer empty for entities having one or more associations).
Remove initBinder method in controller (not really useful + was causing compilation bug in certain limit case)
Fix ehcache configuration filename (was not properly picked up by hibernate)
3.0.33 (2010-10-14)
Increase the max of number of tables you can reverse per schema to 400 (was 100)
Revisited, for the better, the generated spring mvc 3 controllers
Fix some “context-less” link on the generated application homepage (was ok without context, but was problematic for example
when running the generated app in Tomcat/Eclipse, where by default a context is present)
Business Key and equals/hashCode: You can now use the businessKey attribute in your configuration. For example
Celerio will generate the equals/hashCode methods accordingly. If no columnConfig is marked as a business key, convention will apply in this order:
use the first unique constraint involving 1 column
if none is found, use the first unique constraint involving more than 1 column
if none is found, the PK is used.
Fix cyclic package dependency that was due to format annotations
No longer elect a table as an ‘Account’ table if it has a composite primary key.
3.0.30 (2010-09-03)
We are happy to release this new version which remotely uses the latest version of Celerio.
The remote generation process has been greatly simplified:
You no longer have to subscribe online
You no longer have to upload manually the metadata file: Our Springfuse maven plugin does it for you transparently.
And of course this new version comes with new major features:
You can now configure the generation process: JPA inheritance, types, names, etc…
The front-end is now based on Spring @MVC 3 and JQuery. As a result the Java code is drastically simplified.
Upgrade to Spring 3.0.3.RELEASE
Upgrade to Spring Security 3.0.3.RELEASE
Upgrade to Hibernate 3.5.5-Final
Upgrade to Hibernate Validator 4.1.0-Final
Attention: the Spring Web Flow front-end is no longer generated. It is only provided with Celerio (part of JSF + WebFlow pack)
We would like to thank all the developers that have been using Celerio over the last months.
Some of their precious feedbacks have helped us to improve the free edition of SpringFuse.
A special thank to Bernard Pons (Architect at Banque de France) for his numerous and constructive feedbacks on
all the parts of the generated application. Another special thanks to Hervé Le Morvan for sharing his experience on legacy, but pretty impressive,
ORM technologies and generators. Finally, thanks to the developers using Celerio who took the time to report issues and ways to improve
both the generated code and the product: Hervé, Tony B., Sébastien P., Lottfi B., Pierre T, Gary ?, Vincent L.
2.8.22 (2010-01-04)
Spring Web Flow: fix url when using non-root contexts. Thanks to Pierre Boned.
2.8.21 (2009-11-25)
Spring Web Flow: Use the create subflow, in addition to the select subflow, to wire a many to one relation
Spring Web Flow: display many-to-many relation in the review state
no longer generate targetEntity attribute in ManyToMany association since we use generics
fix when a many to one points to itself.
2.8.19 (2009-11-11)
Support case where @OneToMany’s mappedBy attribute refers to an @EmbeddedId (occurs when the id is a composite primary key).
Thanks to Olivier Huber from Zenika for reporting it.
Fix a regression bug showing up in composite primary key class when one of the property is a Date.
Thanks to Ahmad Sousak from Steria for reporting it.
Remove(Roll back) the default-lazy-init=”true” that was recently added in applicationContext-scheduling.xml as it prevents the jobs from starting!.
Thanks to Gildas Cuisinier for taking the time to analyze it and report it.
2.8.18 (2009-09-24)
New feature: generate flow menu. Please read our blog entry to know more.
Support for hibernate filters in flows thanks to a special flow execution listener
Refactor: ‘boolean hasXxx()’ on domain’s model changed to ‘@Transient boolean isXxxSet()’ for better clarity and compatibility with EL (expression language) in JSP/Flows etc.
Refactor equals and hashCode
2.8.17 (2009-09-21)
Upgrade from Spring 2.5.6 to Spring 2.5.6.SEC01 and no longer use spring.jar. We use instead spring-orm.jar etc… as for Spring 3.0 which is coming soon :-)
Upgrade from SpringSecurity 2.0.4 to 2.0.5.RELEASE
Upgrade from Hibernate to hibernate-core 3.3.2.GA / EntityManager 3.4.0.GA
Upgrade Hibernate Validator from to 3.1.0.GA
Upgrade from SpringWebFlow 2.0.7 to 2.0.8.RELEASE
JPA annotations are now set on getters instead of fields.
2.8.16 (2009-08-22)
New feature: Generate annotation for validation (use Hibernate Validators
New feature: Handle composite foreign keys
JPA mapping fixes:
Check that the column type is compatible with @Version
Fix mapping bug when when both side of a many-to-many are the same model
Fix Cobertura errors by ignoring beans without interface
Fix naming clash in managerXxxImpl when unique column name and table name are the same
Change: Make all associations unidirectional by default. Celerio users can enable bidirectionality thanks to the configuration file.
Change: Enable Spring lazy loading by default to speed up startup time of very large schemas
Upgrade log4j dependency to 1.2.15 (from 1.2.11)
Upgrade Cobertura maven plugin from 2.2 to 2.3
Upgrade quartz-all from 1.6.0 to 1.6.3 (quartz pom.xml is now alsmost ok)
Use servlet 2.5, jstl 1.2, jsp 2.1
Eclipse integration:
No longer generate the Eclipses files. Please import the project as a Maven project in Eclipse, it works fine.
Set the source/target to 1.5 / 1.5 explicitly with the compiler plugin to keep Eclipse happy
2.8.15 (2009-07-05)
Fix a compilation error (regression) in generated unit test when one of the composite primary fields maps to a Java Long (thanks to Stéphane Deraco for reporting it)
Fix a compilation error occurring when one of the composite primary key fields maps to a date.
Fix an incorrect redirection url after an update of a model having a composite pk (thanks to David Martin).
2.8.14 (2009-06-25)
No longer set attribute that match the default value in @Column annotation:
length = 255 is useless
name = colname is useless when colname is same as property
Set @OneToMany to Cascade.ALL in the case of a ‘pseudo’ one to one mapping
Search by example now takes into account pk fields which fix the current navigation consistency (ie search for linked accountRole link on account display page)
Search by pattern: also include string pk (several people were surprised this was not the case)
Apply javascript numeric validation for composite pk field when appropriate
Use Restrictions.disjunction instead of Restrictions.or in HibernateUtil. This lead to better and more readable query in the console
Preserve ref integrity when deleting a model having a bidirectional relation even in case where the other side is a ‘pseudo’ one to one
Instrument only bean model that really require lazy loading (@Lob byte[])
Remove javascript redundancy for ajax navigation (in table sort column) using dojo selectors
Fix a runtime exception when no account table is found (no longer set the hibernate filter on mock!)
Fix a compilation error when no account table is found (due to a wrong import)
Fix unit test error when no account table is found (Thanks to David Martin)
2.8.9 (2009-06-18)
The major feature of this release is the JPA support.
It was a long awaited feature demand from our users.
Other important changes are listed below.
Bidirectional association generation (one to one / one to many) is now optional. This feature is not yet available for the online version. (Thanks to Pierre Gaudin)
Use generics for DAO and managers when appropriate (Thanks to Bernard Pons)
SpringSecurity related:
Refactor SpringSecurityContext: no longer create a User if it is anonymous (Thanks to Marcel Heemskerk)
Refactor AccountContextSupport: remove the “ROLE_USER” dependency
Refactor AccountContext: do not use the account.getRoleNames as fallback
Ease of use related:
Some move and renaming to keep things more clear when there are a lot of tables (thanks to Ahmad Sousak)
move domain related generated properties to localization/domain-generated
move /WEB-INF/domain/* to /WEB-INF/domain-generated/*
Refactor XxxFormService: no more interface
Refactor XxxForm: no more dependency on XxxManager or XxxWebSupport.
Refactor the main pom : filter only .properties (we used to filter also the .xml files)
2.7.4 (2009-05-10)
New! Spring Web Flow support:
For each entity, a create flow and a select flow are now generated. The select flow is used as a subflow in create flow whose entity has a many to one relation.
Make the MultipartFile property transient to support file upload in Spring Web Flow.
Add flow path in applicationContext-security-http.xml. By default only ROLE_ADMIN can access them.
Declare flows in spring/springmvc-webapp.xml
Remove useless interface on SearchTemplate…. keep only impl version which now takes the name of the interface
Fix a compilation error when a table reference itself (Thanks to Pierre Gaudin. for reporting it)
Remove as it was no longer used by the generated code.
When a table has no pk, use the first non null unique index instead (Thanks to Bernard Pons)
2.7.3 (2009-04-09)
Fix a case that was breaking compilation of the generated code: a composite foreign
key having one of its field also used as a foreign key (non-composite). (Thanks to Marcel Heemskerk).
Isolate the use of URLEncoder.encode(string, “UTF-8”) in a dedicated URLEncoderUtil class.
Cosmetic in (use @Autowired on properties instead of constructor) and remove some unused dependencies.
Small changes in spring/springmvc-webapp.xml to make future Spring Web Flow integration smoother.
Improve doc in generated controllers
Changes in XxxValidator:
change the validator name from XxxValidator to XxxFormValidator to later use Spring Web Flow convention over configuration (invoke validator automatically)
annotate each validator with @Component
rename Validation method names to validate<FieldName>Field
overload validate() so it can also take a XxxForm as argument (Spring Web Flow support)
Inject the XxxValidator in XxxFormController using @Autowire
2.7.2 (2009-04-03)
Use URLEncoder.encode(string, “UTF-8”) to encode parameters that appears in search results’ sort urls in files.
2.7.1 (2009-03-30)
pom.xml: remove the error prone activeByDefault from H2 profile.
No impact as H2 properties are anyway set by default when no database profile is used.
Cosmetic changes in versions organization.
Fix and prevent potential bean name collisions, encountered on tables whose name was either
‘Admin’, ‘Login’ or ‘Password’ by forcing the name of all generated controllers to a name
that is less collision-prone. There is no impact because these names are not used anywhere.
Indeed the controllers sit on top of the rest (Thanks to Laurent P. and Vishal P. for reporting this issue).
Spring Web Flow compatibility: now the generated,, and can be used from Spring Web Flow.
Rename the applicationContext-web.xml to applicationContext-security-http.xml and reflect this renaming in web.xml for better clarity.
Annotate AccountDetailsServiceImpl.loadByUsername with @Transactional so it works even without Open Session In View (thanks to Pierre Abel for reporting this issue).
Fix bug when the accountId is Long: distinguish the type in filter (Integer vs Long) both in the Java code and in the hibernate filter definition.
Use Html entities instead of images to display sort arrows (↑ or ↓) in search results. Impact in and searchResult.jsp pages.
Allow search using both a searchPattern and a model example. Change within Xxx.DAOHibernate.addCriterionOnCriteria method.
Add Springfuse version support in the project generation form (Thanks to Ian H. for requesting it).
It allows you regenerate a project using an older version of Springfuse.
Of course, we encourage you to switch to the latest release as soon as you can.
Package reorganization: (Thanks to Steve T., it really makes more sense). Group domain classes (model, manager, dao, hibernate) that were in
a dedicated sub package in the parent package. For example, the AccountModel package is now ‘domain’ instead of ‘domain.account’, etc.
Package reorganization: to clearly separate domain related classes from the rest, move
the classes that were in the ‘hibernate’ package to ‘’ or ‘hibernate.listener’ packages
Package reorganization: to clearly separate domain related classes from the rest, move
the classes that were in the ‘dao’ package to ‘’ package.
Fix a compilation error when using a composite key having a date type (Thanks to Steve T. for reporting it)
Make getQueryStringForSortableHeader method public on all search forms so it can be conveniently used from Freemarker views
(needed by a user using Freemarker instead of JSP) and provide more getXxxSortStatusKey methods (i.e on primary keys).
Fix AssertUtil.isFalse(Boolean). Note that it is not used in the generated code.
Fix location of hibernate hbm files in JavaDoc of all files.
Cosmetic comments in Spring’s configuration files
Since 2009-03-13
Fix a zip issue that was preventing windows to unzip properly the files at the root of the generated project (Thanks to Neil G. for reporting it)
Add some instructions for tomcat 5.5 and tomcat 6.0 in the generated pom.xml.
Change in the generated pom.xml concerning mysql users: use the org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect instead of the org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
Minor changes in Spring application context files related to bean description (no impact, just documentation and cosmetic)
Since 2009-03-06
Fix hard coded reference to login/password/email setters that were preventing certain generated projects to compile.
Fix a generation issue when the email column was not present in the auto detected Account table.
Introduce isAccount method in the AccountContext for fined grained security.
Since 2009-03-03
Account table detection: accept the ‘user_name’ column as a candidate for the username.
Use directly LocaleContextHolder instead of AccountContext in EmailServiceImpl to prevent NPE when using the EmailService from a cron job.
Checkbox in all createForm.jsp/updateForm.jsp: fix path of default checked value. The bug was visible only in certain cases.
Cosmetic in xml configuration: move bean descriptions from comments to description tag
Since 2009-02-28
Set currentAccountId to a dummy value in HibernateFilterContext
Since 2009-02-27
Fix the currentAccountId type in HibernateFilterContext: it was hard coded to String, it has now the same type as the primary key of the ‘account’ table.
SearchTemplateImpl setters now return SearchTemplateImpl instead of SearchTemplate so builder pattern can be used.
Since 2009-02-24
Remove trailing div tag in show.jsp responsible for poor layout under IE (thanks to Ian Hendry)
Fix duplication of the searchParameters.searchMode in the show.jsp page for each domain table (thanks to Ian Hendry)
Fix a typo in the string ROLE_USER in the generated PasswordService interface that was preventing the user from changing his password (thanks to Steve T.)
Provide two sets of velocity templates under src/main/resources/velocity/emails for email sent upon reset/change password.
Since 2009-02-12
Collect JDBC driver name/version when reversing the database schema. This information is displayed in the generated project page.
Improve support for camel case syntax: if your column or table name are camel cased and your jdbc driver preserves your syntax,
Springfuse takes it into account to generate clean variable, method and class names following your camel case convention.
Account table auto detection: Springfuse now tries to identify your ‘account’ table. It looks for at least 2 columns login and password.
The login column can be named either: ‘login’, ‘username’, the password column can be named either: ‘password’, ‘pwd’, ‘passwd’, ‘mot_de_passe’
Email column is no longer mandatory in the account table
Hibernate Filters on the account PK and foreign key referencing the account PK are no longer hard-coded.
Role table auto detection: Springfuse now tries to identify your ‘role’ table. For the moment the role table must be linked through a many-to-many relationship to
the account table and contains a column whose name is either: ‘authority’, ‘name_locale’, ‘role_name’ ‘role’
When generated, the mock account table is now named sf_mock_account (thanks to Loic Fournial)
Databse schema from Julien Dubois’s tudulist project can be reversed
Include the primary key field in search by example when the primary key looks like a natural key: a string type with a size different from 32.
Fix lazy loading support in the generated pom.xml.
Fix a bug in the hibernate mapping file that was preventing from inserting columns value having a default value on the database side.
Better support for name conflict resolutions when column names looks alike, for example roleId and role_id.
Basic numeric validation on the client side in create and update form
disable JSP compilation by default in the generated pom.xml
No longer validate email on the server side if the email field is not required
Improve generated css so we do not have to use <br/> tags in the generated pages.
New homepage for the generated project (thanks to Nicolas Martignole for his suggestions)
In search results, sort arrows are now displayed next to the column label.
fix search by example parameters propagation when sorting/iterating in search results page.
Upgrade to velocity 1.6.1
Upgrade to Spring Javascript 2.0.5
Since 2009-02-03
Remove common table prefix before generating variable/method/class name
Clean primary key variable names
Clean foreign key variable names
Ignore foreign key that do not refer to a primary key instead of stopping the generation!
Fix JSP domain page: There were few tags missmatch such as use a th instead of td in the pages show.jsp, createForm.jsp, updateForm.jsp